Where does this store ship from?
We ship and are based from Southern California.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Please allow 1-3 business days for your order to be processed before shipment. Once shipped, most domestic orders will take 2-5 business days to arrive.
We do not ship on weekends or holidays.
Do you ship worldwide?
Not at the moment. As we continue to grow our small business we hope to be able to ship internationally. Please check back with us!
How often do you restock?
This is different for every item. Some items are restocked quite regularly, while some don't get restocked at all. Since we do not manufacture our own clothing, restocking depends on the availability of our vendors. Unfortunately, a majority of our items will not get restocked and are only available at a first come first serve basis. If you would like to know whether a specific item will be restocked or not, feel free to send us a message through the contact form.